Scan for Images

The first time you run the program, you will see the Scan for Photos dialog (you can also run the scan any time by selecting Find Images on My Computer from the File menu).  The scan will automatically locate photos and other images on your computer. 

Scan for Photos dialog

If you choose Auto Search, FotoFinish will scan your local hard drive(s) for images; it will not scan your program files, network drives, and any removable media such as CDs.  To select a specific folder or drive to scan, click on Advanced Search.


Advanced Search

Once the scan is complete, you can choose which image folders you want to add to My Albums in the Image Explorer panel. The folders in My Albums are links (shortcuts) to image folders on your system. My Albums gives you easy access to your most frequently used albums without having to browse through every folder on your system.

Adding Search Results to My Albums

Click on “Add to My Albums” in the Search Results dialog to add these folders to My Albums in the Image Explorer.

The “My Albums” section of the Image Explorer